Curriculum & Instruction
The Curriculum & Instruction Department at Rhodes School for the Performing Arts ensures that our students are being taught the same skills as their public-school peers. The department provides identifiable measurable results based on objectives to help determine student progress and academic achievement; keeps our students competitive when compared to others across the state; and ensures that our students can be successful in any educational setting, public or private.

State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness 2025 (STAAR)
Testing Dates
STAAR MOCK Testing Dates
- March 19th – MOCK STAAR Social Studies 8th Grade
- March 25th – MOCK STAAR Science 5th & 8th Grade
- March 26th – MOCK STAAR Reading 3rd-8th Grade
- April 1st – MOCK STAAR Math 3rd-8th Grade
- Make-Ups: Immediately after
STAAR Testing
- April 16th – STAAR Reading 3rd-8th grade | Make-Ups April 17th-18th
- April 23rd – STAAR Science 5th & 8th grade | Make-Ups April 24th-25th
- April 24th – STAAR Social Studies 8th grade | Make-Ups April 25th
- April 30th – STAAR Math 3rd-8th grade | Make-Ups May 1st-2nd

Science Fair 2024
Thank You!
A special thanks go to our esteemed judges and speakers for their hard work and dedication as they diligently combed through every project to select our very best! Also, thank you to all of our teachers and staff who aided our scholars’ efforts!
Karen Carter, MSRRT | Nazim Ansari, BS, Chemical Engineering |Addie Smith, MS |
Kimberly Rice, MS Director of Shell | Robbyn Pope, B.S.
Ebony L. Curry
Science Fair Winners
2nd-3rd Grade
1st Place: Sprout House by Madison Jarvis, 2nd grade
2nd Place: Milk into Plastic by Dior Josey, 3rd grade
3rd Place: Bubble Experiment, 3rd grade
4th-5th Grade
1st Place: What Makes Ice Melt Fastest by Lauren Osby, 5th grade
2nd Place: Water Temperature Effect on Plants by Carl Yarborough, 4th grade
3rd Place: Dissolve the Rainbow by Alana Mays, 5th Grade
6th-8th Grade
1st Place: Terminal Velocity by Jaden Conwell, 7th grade
2nd Place: Ultra Oxified by Kaleb Conley, 6th grade
3rd Place: What Material Provides the Best Insulation by Arianna Close, 7th grade
Curriculum & Instruction Department
Administration Building – Room 213
13334 Wallisville Road
Houston, TX 77049
281-458-4334 ext. 115

Monet Calhoun, Director of Curriculum & Instruction

Kenitra Bennett-Edwards,
District STEAM Coordinator

13334 Wallisville Rd.
Houston, TX 77049
(281) 458-4334
13334 Wallisville Rd.
Houston, TX 77049
(281) 459-9797
Charles Russell, M. Ed, President
Kenitra Bennett-Edwards, M. Ed., Member
Michelle Harris, M. Ed, Member
Chrishelle Palay, Member
Derrick Sherrard, Member