
Did you know you can easily pay online for your scholar’s school fees?
Create your free MySchoolBucks account to conveniently and securely pay online at or with the mobile app.
With MySchoolBucks, you’ll be able to quickly browse school items such as your scholar’s required Activity Fees, campus spirit t-shirts, student planners, tickets for campus events, and more! You can also be notified when fees are due and make payments from anywhere!

This is RSPA’s preferred method of payment for all activities and items. We sincerely thank our parents for making purchases on only and not bringing cash or checks to campus for payments. You’ll see more store items appear over time, so look out for announcements here or in your MSB Parent Portal when products are live for purchase!
Featured Store Items…
$5 Campus Spirit Shirts
Limited sizes are available for past campus spirit shirts! Once purchased, shirts may be picked up at the front office or sent home with scholars on Fridays only.
Dazzling Dolls 24-25
Dazzling Dolls membership and uniform fees for the 2024-2025 school year.
Cheerleading 24-25
Cheer membership and uniform fees for the 2024-2025 school year.
24-25 Campus Spirit Shirt
RSPA is a cashless school district. Shirts are available in Youth XS-XL and Adult S-XL for $12. Once purchased, shirts may be picked up at the front office or sent home with scholars on Fridays only.
Athletic Game Entry Fee
RSPA is a cashless school district. Please cover your Flag Football game entry fee here and present your receipt upon entrance to the game. The entry fee is $3 for adults and $1 for children. Concession may be purchased here, too!
A MySchoolBucks account is not needed to purchase game tickets. Simply checkout as a guest when purchasing online.
Student Activity Fees
activity fee payment dates and amounts are firm. Fees must be paid in full by October 25, 2024. If you choose to participate in any extracurricular activity (athletics, etc.), payment balances must be paid in full before September. If no fees are paid toward the balance before the final payment date, Fine Arts and athletic participation will be withheld. Visit MYSCHOOLBUCKS.COM to make your payments by card only. RSPA is now a non-cash district.
Get Started Today!
1) Go to or download the mobile app at the link below to create your free account.
2) Add your student(s) using their school name, first & last name, and birthday or student ID. If you don’t know your scholar’s student ID, you can obtain it from your Campus Registrar with a quick call at 281-459-9797.
3) Visit the school store to browse & add items to your cart.
4) Check out using your credit/debit card or electronic check.

MySchoolBucks Parent Support:

13334 Wallisville Rd.
Houston, TX 77049
(281) 458-4334
13334 Wallisville Rd.
Houston, TX 77049
(281) 459-9797
Charles Russell, M. Ed, President
Kenitra Bennett-Edwards, M. Ed., Member
Michelle Harris, M. Ed, Member
Chrishelle Palay, Member
Derrick Sherrard, Member