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COVID-19 Resources

RSPA follows state guidelines as it relates to COVID-19 and notifies the local health
department and the Department of State Health Services. In this regard,
please continue to report all positive tests to the district by emailing and taking the steps outlined below.

Campus-wide staff & parent COVID-19 email notices will be sent when a positive case is reported while on campus.


To report all COVID matters, you must take the following steps:

1) If your scholar tests positive or becomes exposed to a positive case, please send an email to & include the following information:

  • your scholar’s name, grade, & teacher
  • your scholar’s test results or explanation of close contact
  • whether or not your scholar is well enough to complete work from home

2) Follow the steps in the flowchart below based on your particular COVID-19 case.

3) Your campus counselor will contact you with additional instructions regarding attendance and/or details for Remote Conferencing. Please do not lose your RC opportunity by not reporting your COVID matters.

4) To confirm excused absences, please send an excuse note with your scholar upon returning to campus.


COVID-19 symptoms include the following:

fever (100.4°F or greater) or chills New loss of taste or smell
cough Sore throat
shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Congestion or runny nose
Fatigue Nausea or vomiting
Muscle or body aches Diarrhea


For staff who tested positive…

For scholars who tested positive…

Safe Return to In-Person & Continuity of Services Plan

Learn how RSPA will maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff and the extent to which it has adopted policies, and a description of any such policies, on each of the following safety recommendations established by the CDC.


Are scholars required to wear facial coverings?

The wearing of masks is optional but strongly encouraged for students, staff, and visitors while on RSPA campuses, district facilities, transportation, and while participating in after-school and outdoor activities.

Are scholars required to wear facial coverings?

The wearing of masks is optional but strongly encouraged for students, staff, and visitors while on RSPA campuses, district facilities, transportation, and while participating in after-school and outdoor activities.

What happens if my child tests positive for COVID-19?

RSPA will direct the confirmed cases to stay home and self-isolate for at least 10 days since their symptoms first appeared. Confirmed cases must also have no sign of a fever without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours AND must experience improved COVID-19 symptoms before returning to campus. RSPA students with confirmed cases will receive remote instruction, if possible. Please see the flow chart above.

What actions has RSPA taken to allow for social distancing on campus?

RSPA has placed student desks and tables & seats a minimum of three feet apart whenever and wherever possible. With tables and chairs, students will sit on the same side of the table, facing the same direction.

 Handwashing stations, lavatories, and urinals that are less than three to six feet apart will be marked off with tape to take out of operation to ensure social distancing.

 Physical barriers such as sneeze guards and partitions have been installed when distancing is not feasible.

 RSPA will use non-classroom spaces when feasible and appropriate to comply with social distancing recommendations.

 RSPA also promotes more frequent hand washing and/or sanitizing when social distancing recommendations are not possible.

What actions has RSPA taken to allow for social distancing on campus?

Signs and messages are posted in highly visible locations, entrances/exits, and restrooms to ensure social distancing.

 RSPA has designated hallways and entrances as one-way while directional reminders are posted on the walls and floors. Entry points are also divided rather than funneling all students through the same entry space.

 Water fountains will not be in use and all students and staff will be provided bottled water upon request.

What actions has RSPA taken to allow for social distancing on campus?

Signs and messages are posted in highly visible locations, entrances/exits, and restrooms to ensure social distancing.

 RSPA has designated hallways and entrances as one-way while directional reminders are posted on the walls and floors. Entry points are also divided rather than funneling all students through the same entry space.

 Water fountains will not be in use and all students and staff will be provided bottled water upon request.

What about in larger, high-risk areas such as the library & gym?

RSPA has reconfigured common areas such as the library, cafeteria, foyer, gym, and other areas previously used by larger groups by spacing out furniture to minimize crowding. Sanitizer stations have been placed in each of these areas. RSPA has also minimized having multiple groups in common areas and high-traffic areas at once.

How do allow for social distancing during lunch in the cafeteria?

Pre-K and Kindergarten students will eat breakfast in the cafeteria while 1st-8th grade students will eat breakfast in their classroom.

Campus leaders have implemented a meal schedule and students will have assigned seats for meals when feasible.

Students in line for food pick-up will abide by floor markings that outline a 3-foot distance between any two students.

Cafeteria tables/chairs are marked to establish 3 feet of spacing.

RSPA staff will monitor students to ensure there is no mingling & to help maintain distance between students.

What is the plan to minimize congestion during arrival & dismissal hours?

RSPA has designated separate entry points for different groups of students in order to spread out arrivals (e.g. daycare, car riders, bus riders, walkers). Contactless exit and delivery to cars have also been implemented. When that is not possible, schools will provide gloves to staff.

RSPA has scheduled & stationed staff to support distancing upon entry and immediate transition to classrooms. Staff arrival times are staggered to assist in early morning duty.

Parents are also not allowed to enter the campus for morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up.

How are you ensuring my child's safety while on transportation vehicles (school buses, shuttles, etc.)?

The district encourages families to use alternate modes of transportation (individual drop-off and pick-up) to reduce bus ridership and the possibility of COVID-19 exposure on buses.

 Scholars will sit two students per bench to enable social distancing. If this is impossible given the number of students on a route, students will be seated as far apart as possible. Siblings may sit together.

 Students and staff are required to use hand sanitizer when entering and exiting the bus.

If weather permits, bus drivers will open windows to allow outside air to circulate.

Bus drivers will thoroughly clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces such as bus seats, knobs, door handles, steering wheels, and the driver’s area after each run and at the end of the school day.

I have a friend who wants to enroll their child at RSPA. Is there a virtual enrollment process?

Yes. All parents will be asked to enroll online instead of in person.

Parents will be contacted via phone or email for any clarifications and notification of completion.

Parents who are unable to register online or upload documents should call the campus for assistance. Exceptions will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

How often will buildings and classrooms be cleaned & disinfected?

Custodial staff will conduct routine cleaning/sanitizing at the end of every school day. Custodial staff will also disinfect restrooms and other common-use spaces more frequently throughout the day This also includes door handles, stair handrails, tables, desks, computers, and laptops.

Teachers and other school staff will disinfect high-touch areas (e.g. doorknobs and desks) during breaks throughout the day.

What other efforts will the maintenance staff take to keep the school facilities safe?

The maintenance department will continue to maintain air filters and change them out as needed to ensure better air quality. Additionally, maintenance will work to ensure fresh air supply units are working properly.

Barrier shields will be installed at receptionists and high-traffic office areas across all campuses and support buildings. Additional barrier shields will be provided in specific workspaces to maintain social distancing requirements.

What other efforts will the maintenance staff take to keep the school facilities safe?

Yes! Until the conditions for re-entry are met, please ensure you do not send your child to school if they have any COVID-19 symptoms or test positive for COVID-19.

Parents are welcome on campus, however, RSPA asks that you refrain from visiting during arrival & dismissal hours. A health screening for COVID symptoms will be required for all parents & visitors before coming onto campus. Lunch visits are up to the discretion of each individual campus.

RSPA asks parents/guardians to screen their children’s health condition daily using the following criteria:

Students, staff, or visitors may not enter a district facility if any of the following apply:

  • Waiting for results from a COVID-19 test
  • Diagnosed with COVID-19
  • Exhibiting one major or two minor COVID-19 symptoms: – Major symptoms of COVID-19 (1 symptom):
    • Fever (100.0 or greater) and/or chills
    • Persistent cough
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • New loss of taste or smell

-Minor symptoms of COVID-19 (2 or more symptoms):

Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Diarrhea/nausea/vomiting
  • Sudden onset of persistent headache

Barrier shields will be installed at receptionists and high-traffic office areas across all campuses and support buildings. Additional barrier shields will be provided in specific workspaces to maintain social distancing requirements.

A “yes” response to any of the above criteria requires the student to remain at home. You should then fill out the Student Self-Reporting Form & contact the campus nurse for further guidance on the student’s return to school.

Parent notices

Parent Notices 2021
Parent Notices 2022

Enroll now to RSPA

13334 Wallisville Rd.
Houston, TX 77049
(281) 458-4334

13334 Wallisville Rd.
Houston, TX 77049
(281) 459-9797

Charles Russell, M. Ed, President
Kenitra Bennett-Edwards, M. Ed., Member
Michelle Harris, M. Ed, Member
Sloane Hughlett, Member
Chrishelle Palay, Member
Derrick Sherrard, Member